Now I know better!

Knock Knock, Hello, who’s here?

Ehm…. It’s me Evelyn. Quite a while right?

I have had series of adventures the past months and coming back here with my stories resonates with Jonah coming back to tell his people he was swallowed by a whale and survived its belly for 3 days and 3 nights. This may not be the exact facts of my story but one thing is true of both stories which is that we are both survivors with a message.

In honesty, I got caught up in this crazy whirlwind of life while trying to keep my individual talent and passion afloat. Some people seem to be handling life better than others. Mine took quite some time. I felt like I’d lost my voice and writing for public wasn’t for me. 

I had the options of quitting or to continue writing. In fact, I had put the blog on sale at some point. I couldn’t handle the less inspired version of me or feeling lost in someone else’s dream.

Now I know better!

That; I am no quitter, at least not on me, my passion nor my dreams.

Funnily enough, through this period, I have discovered that quitting is an exhibition of pride andirresponsibility. I owe consistency to my readers, friends and family who have invested in this course and my generation. I own up and sincerely apologize. I wouldn’t forget to mention my key team player Precious Nengak (Blackwordist) who was not just an editor to the blog but a ceaseless penman and pillar(thanks man). Special shout out to Dogara and the Ghabi team, my dad who will give me no rest until Iget back to writing. The list is endless and I am grateful for you all.


The voice palace blog has been a creative and emotional outlet to share my thoughts to the world. I have got really great friends here and built a community of online readers. The physical act of creativity alone is therapeutic. I didn’t close down on writing actually, I just wrote and journaled same. Just a swimmer in an ocean of possibilities who is stick on the shore and not prepared to dive in.

And that is why the voice palace came in the first place. Not for perfect people who have it all figured out. It was an outlet to share our unique stories and change our narratives. To inspire hope and purpose to our readers. Maybe I got distracted with perfection and skipping the beauty in humanity and its inherent fallible state. 

Now I am ready to swim against the strong tides. To keep showing up and never allow the threatening current to drag me under. I am committed to dive in at the deep end with both feet, to be ruthless in pursuing my passion and writing. Let the voice palace be a bridge connecting people of different experiences, backgrounds, tribes, religion and races together. Let humanity’s chord keep us as one voice.

Today I make a big decision to stay present even through the whirlwind. Please check this space more often, subscribe and share with friends. We’d appreciate your comments and suggestions on how to do this better.

P.S. sending love to the family of Mr &Mrs Abdul Amogbai, my vibrant Anora for the gift of the book “Girl online on Tour” by Zoe Sugg. The book did a lot more to me than you will ever imagine. Thank you so much. 

I will leave you with my favorite passage from the book, thus:

“We all have one life and we can choose how we want to live it. It’s important to realize that no matter what anyone else says or how people may try to influence the way you do things, its ultimately done to you…. You cant live in someone else’s shadow or permanently try to please someone else, because then what do you have to show for it? You won’t have your accomplishments; you won’t reach your personal goals and you’ll be ticking someone else’ boxes for them. If there’s something you really want to do, then do it. You’ll only ever live this day once in your lifetime, so start now.”


  1. Jama Samuel says:

    Nice piece, thank God you survived your ‘belly of the fish’. More wins ma. All the best.


  2. shwarjisamuel says:

    Welcome back Evelyn.

    Soar The Voice Palace! The sky’s just the starting point.


    1. Evelyn Pulle says:

      Amen, thank you so much Apostle


  3. Always eager to hear your thoughts via your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Evelyn Pulle says:

      I appreciate your support. This is encouraging.


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